We want you to share your insights
Let us know what want to see next!
From its inception, the Social Impact Toolbox has been co-designed with the sector…and now want your help in prioritising what we build next! Which is why we’re launching the Sector Insights Survey 2020!
This survey is your opportunity to share the challenges you face when evaluating, your advice on how to build a culture of evaluation in the sector and what resources you want us to deliver next. It’s also an opportunity to provide feedback on your experience using the Toolbox and any changes you would like to see us make.
The survey takes about 15 minutes, and you can join in by following the link below.
We have plans to provide more tools, more resources and more support for you in your work. To do this we need your help in prioritising what we build next.
By completing this survey you’re helping inform what deliverables our team take on next. Your answers to this survey are anonymous and will be used to inform and improve the resources our team delivers to the sector. Let us know how we can best support you in your evaluation journey!
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